Sports Performance Analysis

Sports Performance Analysis is a specialised inter-disciplinary approach that provides athletes and coaches with objective information that helps to optimise and monitor sports performance. This process is underpinned by systematic observation, so that key elements of that performance can be quantified in a valid and consistent manner. Sports Performance Analysis can help enhance the coaching process by providing visual feedback and advanced data analytics.

Certificate Course in Sports Performance Analysis

Welcome to certificate course in sports performance analysis. This will be a foundation course for sports performance analysis. The course assumes no prior knowledge of performance analysis, although some experience of playing sports and working with data in Excel or similar is mandatory.

The majority of the course is delivered via live video ‘lectures’ with supporting text and documents where necessary, and the practical’s are delivered in-person at an affiliated national sports performance analysis centre.

Course Content

  • • Introduction to Sports Performance Analysis

  • • Introduction to Sports Science

  • • Excel of performance analys

  • • Internship

Diploma course in Sports performance analysis

Welcome to diploma course in sports performance analysis. If you have completed our Certificate Course in sports performance analysis and want to continue your performance analysis journey by learning different tools and techniques used by professionals, then this is the course for you.

The majority of the course is delivered via live video ‘lectures’ with supporting text and documents where necessary, and the practical’s are delivered in-person at an affiliated national sports performance analysis centre.

Course Content

  • • Intermediate Sports Performance Analysis

  • • Intermediate Sports Science

  • • Power BI

  • • Internship